Time is so precious a thing, what you do with it depends on what it brings to you. I was talking to someone just last Saturday,he said to me,''Nathaniel,we are almost at the end of the year again and the days are just counting faster''.I told him, ''time waits for no one,as this was how last year went by just like wind'',if you wait too much,you are probably going to remain where you are when the goal setters are pursuing and achieving their goals. You will be left with excuses and complaints. If you are still there by this month without having a goal you are after,you are probably going to kick yourself again at the end of the year like you always do.The people that are doing well are those that set their goals and go after it with all their abilities and achieve their goals.Never think it will come to you at no cost. What can you do to make it up with your colleagues that are serious goal getter? It is about time that you set you own goals too,it is never too late,do the following;

1. SET YOUR GOALS: Hardly do you see a man without direction succeed in life. Without a set goals,there is no direction. Your goals gives you direction of what to do at a certain time.What do you think you want to become in life? Write them down somewhere very bold,arrange them in the order of preference to make it easy for you.

2. PASTE YOUR GOALS IN YOUR ROOM: Paste your goals in your room or anywhere where you will be able to read them to yourself everyday.Go through those goals everyday and make effort towards achieving them everyday. It will be very hard to achieve your goals if you are a lazy type because lazy people get easily discouraged.

3. WORK TO ACHIVE YOUR GOALS; make sure you work towards achieving your goals every day.You may encounter some problems,don't get discouraged because only tough people can achieve goals and only tough people do last. Whenever you encounter a problem in your way,let your mind be fixed at what you are after so that you won't be discouraged.

4. MAKE FRIEND WITH ACHIEVERS; The type of people you are moving with might determine how strong you'll be,don't move with people that has no goals,people that are not achievers,people that always postpone things,people that are lazy,people that have no goals.If you move with them,they will always be a distraction and discourage you.Remember,you should be strong in taking decisions, don't doubt your ability,always have it in mind that you can do it and can even do it better than others. Once you have that mind set,you are good to go.
 In conclusion, make sure you set your goals today,do something about it and achieve them.Even if its a low earning job you are engaged with,you can be creative with it to earn more.Creativity is important.Read books relating to your goals,find knowledge and you will see how happy you will become.Thanks for reading this lit the article and have a happy life. What do you think?


Your financial security is very important and I have gathered these principles that can aid your financial security.Just read and make use of them.

1. BE CAREFUL ABOUT GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES: Get rich quick schemes are almost certainly going to be a scam,if you think you need a quick money that will require no or less efort from you,be sure that you will end up being scammed. ''THE NAIVE PERSON BELIEVES EVERY WORD, BUT THE SHREWD ONE PONDERS EACH STEP''.

2. AVOID UNNECESSARY DEBT; Some people borrow for good reasons, but many borrow to buy things that they don't need so that they can impress people. Remember that ''the borrower is a slave to the lender'' .Only burrow for right reason and not to buy things that is not important.

3.BE A DILLIGENT WORKER; Be ready to do something legal to earn a living,don't be a lazy type. ''The lazy person has his cravings,yet je he has nothing, but the dilligent one will be fully satisfied''.

4. HAVE SELF CONTROL; Control your spending,do not spend on less important things just in the name of impressing some person,you will end up in poverty if you continue prodigal habit. Spend everything you have wisely and don't be greedy. ''A drunkard and a glutton will come to poverty''.

 5. FOLLOW YOUR BUDGET; Plan your budget every year and follow them.List them in the order of priority and follow the implementation religiously. A person without a plan is almost certainly going to fail.If you have no direction,you are going to end up a looser. My readers,endevour to draw what you wish to achive(goals) and try to read them to yourselves everyday.